Fennel supports well-being, and especially women’s well-being. The scent is a bit spicy, but sweet, a lot like licorice. The aroma is balancing, grounding and revitalising. Fennel has a long history of use by ancient Egyptians and Romans.
Historical Use Of Fennel
During Medieval times Fennel herb was used to ward off evil spirits and to protect against hostile witches’ spells. In Egypt and Rome wreaths of Fennel were given to great warriors after victorious battles because it was believed to encourage strength, courage and longevity.
Fennel Essential Oil is made from the seeds. The Fennel seeds are crushed and steam distilled.

Tips How To Use Fennel Essential Oil
- Add 1-2 drops of Fennel Vitality essential oil to a big glass of water. The flavor is fantastic, not too strong, but sweet anise-like, very tasty. It feels almost like you were eating licorice without the black candy sticking to your back teeth!
- Fennel is great after meals for digestive support. It can be taken daily as a dietary supplement to support well-being and balance even during the stressful days of the month.
- This is great flavoring agent for food, such as dips and soups or sauces.
- Fennel has cleansing properties and you can add it to your facial cleanser for deeper cleansing effect.
- Diffuse Fennel essential oil for grounding feeling, good idea when studying and feeling restless.
- Adding Fennel to a cup of tea will be supporting to the digestion.
- Using Fennel essential oil is beneficial for women’s well-being.
- This oil can be used neat on skin, or diluted with vegetable oil is you have a sensitive skin.
Fennel is fantastic in tea – rich licorice-like flavor and great for digestion!
[Images – Main: Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels; Fennel flower: Image by Maya A. P from Pixabay; Fennel seeds: PublicDomainPictures, CC0]
Tuula Olin is a Raindrop Technique practitioner and Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor (ID 1241038) from Australia. Her interests are natural toxic-free living, health & fitness, alkaline diet and raw food recipes and yoga.