It is everyone’s dream to have beautiful, shiny, and strong hair. Unfortunately, not everyone can fulfill this desire. You may have unhealthy and weak hair due to various reasons. The reason can be genetics or environment. Though, you should not be hopeless as there is always a solution to any problem. When it comes to the problem of hair loss or having weak hair, there are many ways to treat the problem.
Managing your diet is one of the best-proven ways. It is believed that what you eat shows on your skin and hair. If you have baldness then hair transplant is the best solution. But if you only want to make your hair strong then you should go for a good diet plan. In fact, the weakness of your hair is the sign of your internal health. So, what are the best foods to make your hair strong and grow faster?
List Of 5 Best Foods For Amazing Hair
You should add these foods to your diet plan if you really want to have strong and fuller hair. Read this article to know more about these foods.
1. Eggs
Your hair requires protein as hair is made up of a protein called keratin. So, when your hair becomes weak, it means you have less amount of that protein. In such situation, you should add eggs to your diet. Eggs are a great source of vitamins and also rich source of proteins.
2. Spinach And Leafy Greens
Another important mineral that is required by your hair is iron. Actually, the deficiency of iron in your body leads you towards hair loss. When your body faces a deficiency of iron, then nutrients and oxygen are not moving towards hair follicles and roots in a proper and adequate way. In such situation, your hair grows slower and it becomes weak resulting in split ends and breakages.
3. Avocado
Vitamin E is the best ingredient that can make your hair strong. It is recommended to apply vitamin E topically to your hair, or you can take vitamin E capsules internally. Avocado is the best natural way to get vitamin E. It is one of the best sources of getting vitamin E, as well as heart healthy monounsaturated fats, which are also included in avocado. In addition to this, avocado helps to balance PH levels and maintains good blood circulation. You may blend avocado into your favorite smoothie or simply add it to your salads.
4. Carrots
The fourth food that you should eat for fast hair growth is the carrot. You may eat them in any form or you can also make carrot juice. Make it your habit to use them in your salads. Use carrots on a daily basis and you will be amazed to see results! Carrots include vitamin A that is required for the growth of every hair cell. Natural sebum oil is also produced in the scalp and so the hair roots grow.
5. Citrus Fruits
Last but not least, citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. This family of fruit contains a high dose of vitamin C that helps in iron absorption. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen that helps in making your skin and hair beautiful and strong. According to nutritionists, 1 lemon in a day is enough to fulfill your dose of vitamin C. You may take it in the form of a chilled glass of lemonade. If you don’t like lemon, then you may go for oranges or other citrus fruit.
Hopefully, this list of foods will assist you in achieving the target of beautiful, long, and strong hair. However, it is recommended to consult with an expert before following any kind of specific diet plan. You can get the help of a nutritionist in this regard.
Also, you may want a consultation with a hair expert to know the main cause and which hair loss treatment method will suit you.
[Main Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay]

Julia Swift is a Copywriter and blog writer. She has extensive experience in ghost blogging. Due to her intensive interest in the cosmetology & Skin Care Treatment , she has decided to write for Euromed clinic under the supervision of expert surgeons.